Output Toolbar




(See also Editor Tools).



Every output window has its own unique Output Toolbar.

It works on the output view of the currently active document.

Each document can have additional output views created from

the  main menu’s Window->New Window, and each output view

can be dragged to form a new tab group (horizontal or vertical)

or into an existing group.


Each view of the same document share a common output, but each

view will maintain a custom edited (modified) version of that output.

When a document is saved/opened, the individual modifications are

saved and opened as well. This allows you to maintain several custom

versions of a finished output if needed.


The Output Toolbar reflects the state and its button actions apply to

the individual output view of the current document.


Buttons explained:



State Button


           The state button’s face icon reflects output information about

         the current tabbed view. The output tabbed view is one of

         Formatted, Compressed or Expanded.


         The button acts as a toggle.

When clicked once, it activates the Properties Pane.

When clicked again, it activates the Errors Pane (if there are errors).

This is a way to quickly activate and scroll these panes without having

to move the mouse from the output window area.


   Note – In below button descriptions, by ‘modified’ it is meant

   that you have modified (edited) text in the editor after the last

   action was taken (very normal, its just an indicator).


              No action,  nothing modified

              No action,  output is modified

              Action was ok,  nothing modified

              Action was okinput is modified

              Action was okinput and output are modified

              Action was okoutput is modified

              Action had errors,  nothing modified

              Action had errorsinput is modified

              Action had errorsinput and output are modified

              Action had errorsoutput is modified



Reload Button



            If the view Output contains modified text  

since the last action:


          The reload button pushes any modified output text into the

          output tabbed-view cache, then reloads the last actions

          un-modified output into the view.


            If the view Output text is un-modified since the last action

            and it has cached modifications:


          The reload button loads the cached modifications (if any)

into the view.


            Note – To clear the views cache, erase all text in the editor, then reload.

            In general, this is not necessary since the cache is self maintaining.



Next/Prev Error Button’s



          If there are parser errors at the last action, the State button will

change to a red circle, and these buttons will be enabled.

The next or previous buttons will move to and highlight the error

closest to the cursor position in the output editor. The input editor,

where the error corresponds to as well, will also be highlighted at that error.

Also, the errors pane will have a list item highlighted. All three panes

Point to the same error.

Errors can also be scrolled through via the Errors pane, highlighting

the error in the other panes in the process (see Errors Pane).



Hide Errors Button



This is a check button.

          It is enabled only for the Compressed or Expanded output tabs.

When checked, error annotations are hidden in the output editor.

When un-checked, error annotations are visible in the output editor.

This is helpful in cases when these actions (see Input Pane)

are taken on an incomplete regular expression fragment that might

otherwise generate errors.


   Note - This button is disabled for the Formatted output tab.



Format Output



            This is the Format Output button.

          This is the way to dynamically format from the output window.

          It allows modifying the output as if it were the input, enabling everything

          to be done from a single window.

          See Dynamic Formatting.



Shift Text Button


            See Shift Text Tool



Mega-String Button


            See Mega-String Tool.




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